The European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations presents the first Virtual Conference for Brotherhoods and Confraternities
The European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations will celebrate, on May 20 and 21, the I Virtual Conference of Brotherhoods and Confraternities. This forum is held with the aim of sharing, discussing and debating some aspects of the Holy Week and Easter celebrations, from the vision of the Brotherhoods and Confraternities, protagonists of these celebrations and their preservation and continuity. It also aspire to plant new foundations to face, in a collaborative way, the future of our traditions, their conservation and sustainability over time.
In the words of the president of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations, Rosario Andújar, “this forum aims to contribute to a better understanding of the values of this extensive legacy which lives in a large part of Europe. A legacy that combines notable local differences, with its wide diffusion as a common element of many regions”. Andújar says that “the carrier communities articulated through the Brotherhoods and Confraternities are a key piece that shows us the great background and social wealth that keep these traditions alive”.
Free to register, the event will include a total of four round tables that will take place from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The conference will have the participation of members of brotherhoods and confraternities, technicians and specialists.
The programme of the Virtual conference is as follows:
20th May
- Round Table. ‘Need for the development and continuity of Easter and Holy Week celebrations from the standpoint of confraternities and brotherhoods.
- Round Table. ‘Advantages and disadvantages of tourism in connection with religious celebrations and traditions.
21th May
- Round Table. ‘Confraternities and Holy Week. The role of brotherhoods and confraternities in the creation and management of Holy Week Museums.
- Round Table. ‘Networking. Towards an international collaboration framework for brotherhoods and confraternities.
The registration period ends on May 14 and can be done through the web www.encuentrodehermandades.eu/en
More about the European Network
The European Network of Easter and Easter celebrations was created in 2019 and is part of the Italian Federico II Foundation, representing the municipalities of Palermo and Caltanissetta, Sicily (Italy); Birgu municipality in Malta; the Commission on Lent and Celebrations of Braga’s Holy Week in Portugal; Representations of the Passion of Christ in Skofja Loka, Slovenia; the municipalities that are part of the ‘Caminos de Pasión’ route: Alcalá la Real in Jaén, Baena, Cabra, Lucena, Priego de Córdoba and Puente Genil in Córdoba and Carmona, Écija, Osuna and Utrera in Seville. Also within the Spanish geography we find Orihuela in Alicante; Lorca in Murcia and Viveiro in Lugo.
Its objective is to promote and disseminate cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, related to the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter through actions that enhance this heritage, promote sustainable tourism development around it and contribute to safeguard the intangible heritage through scientific and research work.